

How does the Alitalia website ensure that purchases are secure?

To ensure secure purchases on Alitalia servers, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) software is installed. This software is the highest standard for protected financial transactions. 

To ensure that transactions are as reliable as possible, Alitalia is a partner of the Certificate Authority VeriSign, the global leader in the industry. 

Alitalia has also implemented security protocols Verified by Visa and SecureCode by MasterCard for payments with these circuits. By entering a password, Verified by VISA and SecureCode by MasterCard, confirm your identity and ensure that only the cardholder can make purchases with the credit card. 

Why am I asked for a password when paying? 

To ensure that your payment is secure, many credit institutions require the 3D Secure protocol. This is an active anti-fraud protection system for international Visa (Verified by Visa) and MasterCard (MasterCard SecureCode) circuits. 

The service is completely free and is activated on the bank's website or on the credit card circuit, by matching a password to your personal data. 

When paying online, you are asked to enter your chosen password to ascertain the identity of cardholder of the inserted credit card. 

For more information, please contact the bank that issued your Visa or MasterCard card.